Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Day of Love

Valentines Day in our house this year includes the traditional chocolate candy and the non-traditional shoes. I set a limit on how much I would spend on a new pair of kicks; each boy had to pay the difference. After we placed the order on-line, Evan owed me $4 and Keagan had to empty his wallet. Keagan says they were worth every dollar. He opened the box and smelled it! Then exclaimed, "Aahhh, the smell of Footlocker."


The boys sent this bouquet to me at work.

When I got home this afternoon, Keagan met me at the door. Clearly he was awaiting my arrival and my strawberries. He then said, "Oh, Mom! I think you need some help with that, and I'm just the person to do that."


Evan had a dinner date with his girl. Their schedules often conflict; they rarely see each other during the week or even the weekend. However, this was our conversation on our way out the door.
Evan: I've got $15 for tonight's dinner.
Me: Baby, that's not enough for you and Olivia's dinner.
Evan: What?!! Why do have to pay for her meal? I already got her a gift. 
Me: It's Valentines Day and she's your girlfriend. That's why. 

He went back for money. I suspect Evan ordered a Coke and skipped ordering a meal. Afterall, why pay for dinner when Mom is making dinner for free?

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