Friday, June 17, 2016

A Day at the Museum

Today we spent the morning with friends at the Tennessee State Museum and learned about important events in the state's history. Truth be told, I'm not sure how much we learned; we zipped through it all rather quickly. At one point I was looking at the Civil War exhibit, and I found two of the boys seated on couches on their phones. A short time after we caused a scene when one of them tried to climb into a display and set off an alarm. I never saw a museum curator move so slowly, so maybe they are used to kids trying to have an up-close-and-personal meeting with a mannequin. After that incident, we were followed the rest of the visit by a very helpful docent. 

The most impressive display included a dug-out canoe thought to have been carved more than two hundred years ago.

After eating lunch at a downtown favorite, we stopped for icecream and headed home. And just like that another summer day comes to an end. 

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