Sunday, August 17, 2014

Dudes at the Lake

This weekend Wes took the boys camping at Energy Lake with some of Evan's soccer buddies. It was the first night I have spent alone in eleven years, and I was beside myself with angst wondering how to spend my free time. I did the only thing I could think of. I went shopping.

The boys spent Saturday in the water kayaking, fishing, and swimming. Keagan was so excited about spending a Saturday in the woods that before he even got to the camp site he told me he planned to tell his friends at school on Monday that he had been attacked by a bear and was able to fight him off with his hands.

But the joke was on Keagan.

Early afternoon he was attacked by a nest of yellow jackets and stung four times on his head. Late afternoon, he cut the bottom of his feet on a piece of glass hiding in the bank of the lake, and he was gouged in the side by a tree limb when he slipped and fell while playing chase in the dark.

He came back home bandaged, bleeding, and blinded with exhaustion. However, he has already told me he can't wait to go back. As for Evan, his report of weekend events was a little less exciting. He told me, "It was fun."

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