Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Boss

Although most people would never know it or guess it, Keagan can be very bossy. This is especially so on the soccer field. Today he was telling his teammates the positions they should take on the field AND he was calling the plays. "Rylan, you go up there, and I will pass the ball." Although it is quite humorous to watch at times, I am afraid that his success on the soccer field has gone to his head. 

At today's game he pulled a boy, a complete stranger I might add, from the opposing team onto the sidelines. This little boy had scored a goal or two for the opposing team, and he could really kick the ball. Keagan put his arm around his shoulder and said, "Hey, you're good and I think we should be on the same team. I will pass the ball to you. You will pass the ball to me. And I will score." The little boy just looked at him with a blank stare. Keagan continued. "You got a red shirt like me? You get a red shirt like me, and you can be on my team. Get a red shirt like me and we will be the best." Keagan's new friend was taken aback, but Wes and I were shocked. Who does he get this from? I have no idea....

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