Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Wes took the boys on their first camping trip on Friday night. 

Wes is a serious camper, and like any good soldier, he went to camp prepared. He spent a good part of the afternoon on Friday gathering supplies. He even made a list of things that needed to be packed. The long awaited trip was almost cancelled, though, on Friday night when at 5:00 a major thunderstorm struck. The boys returned home and a few hours later, left for the campgrounds again. This time they were able to spend the night. When asked how the trip went, Keagan said, "It was awesome! Roasting marshmellows was awesome!" Evan was just as excited telling me about the headless horseman ghost stories that were shared around the fire, and then I asked Wes. His response was slightly different. He came home needing a nap.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Living in the Unknown

For two weeks our lives have been in limbo. We have been awaiting word concerning Wes's possible one year deployment to Afghanistan. Today we learned that he is not leaving in the next 10-15 days; someone else is going instead. Now we assume that our lives will return to normal, but what is normal? Every six months our future seems to be in jeopardy of a major change. As soon as we adjust to the change and find some sense of normalcy, we face yet another change. If we aren't looking for a new house, changing jobs, or looking to move out of the country, then I guess we wouldn't know how to live. Change has now become our constant. So let's see: what's next on the agenda for this little thing called life? The anticipation is too much...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Miniature Golf

Who knew Evan loved putt-putt so much? After last year's horrible experience playing miniature golf (complete with tears and lots of crying), we ignored all requests to play miniature golf this year. However, after Evan's persistent pleas, we finally found a small pirate themed course with only a few holes. Evan said it was his favorite part of the trip.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

On Your Mark Get So....Go!

Keagan's dream of becoming a professional race car driver is one step closer to being realized. 

We spent Sunday afternoon at Rehoboth Beach driving race cars and bumper boats. What boy wouldn't love this?

I loved Bethany Beach: the quaint boardwalk, the pedestrian friendly streets, the quiet neighborhood, the family friendly playground, the long, flat white sandy beaches, the great food! In fact, I liked it better than the Outer Banks, and after thinking last summer that no American beach would be able to top Nag's Head, that's saying a lot.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Weekend Get-a-Way

Football games played in the soft, white sand.
The soothing sound of crashing waves.
Lots of sunshine and cool ocean breezes.
Fresh crab legs, mallets, and paper lined picnic tables.

And it is only day one of our long weekend on the Eastern Shore and Bethany Beach.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Black Eye

I have lost count with the number of black eyes that Keagan has had the past year. If it isn't for fly away seat belts on the pre-school bus, a misguided punch while wrestling with Evan, falling into blocks during group, or bumps into the door, then it is caused by an incident on the soccer field. Yesterday, while taking the ball to the goal, Keagan ran right into an opposing team member. We could hear the smack from our chairs on the sidelines, and I knew it would be bad. It instantly turned blue and began to swell. He has been asked a dozen times what happened, and he always responds, "A brown boy ran into me."

Sunday, May 10, 2009

David's Giant Faith

At church this morning, the children presented a short play about the battle between David and Goliath. Evan played the role of King Saul's armor bearer and Keagan was the bear that David slayed.

 Here's Evan with his one role in the play: aiding David with his armor.

And here is Keagan right before David slays him. He must not know what lies ahead of him because he is smiling. :)

Cast members:

The Boss

Although most people would never know it or guess it, Keagan can be very bossy. This is especially so on the soccer field. Today he was telling his teammates the positions they should take on the field AND he was calling the plays. "Rylan, you go up there, and I will pass the ball." Although it is quite humorous to watch at times, I am afraid that his success on the soccer field has gone to his head. 

At today's game he pulled a boy, a complete stranger I might add, from the opposing team onto the sidelines. This little boy had scored a goal or two for the opposing team, and he could really kick the ball. Keagan put his arm around his shoulder and said, "Hey, you're good and I think we should be on the same team. I will pass the ball to you. You will pass the ball to me. And I will score." The little boy just looked at him with a blank stare. Keagan continued. "You got a red shirt like me? You get a red shirt like me, and you can be on my team. Get a red shirt like me and we will be the best." Keagan's new friend was taken aback, but Wes and I were shocked. Who does he get this from? I have no idea....