Sunday, February 15, 2009

We Finally Have Heat

Many people called, sent emails, and offered suggestions for ways that we could improve the heating situation in our house. After last month's exorbitant bill, I decided that it wasn't the size of the house or my frugality keeping us cold. The repairman said the entire unit was broken and the owners agreed to replace the unit. Last Monday we thought it was fixed and I soon learned at 2:30 in the morning that it was not. It was another very cold morning and we carried on as we had every other morning this winter. I vowed to never rent another house again (even though that is a tough promise to keep when you are at the Army's beckon call). A third service call was made on Wednesday, and the unit was "fixed" again. This weekend is the first time that we have had heat, real heat, since we moved in last fall, and our bodies are just not used to it. Evan has stripped down to underwear and a t-shirt complaining about the heat, and Keagan says he thinks he will die from the heat. All of this and the thermostat is on 64 degrees!

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