Thursday, December 26, 2024

Tackling the Hard Stuff

I tackled the unavoidable task of unpacking and cleaning out Evan’s Jeep. I can say I hate this job every time he moves back home, but I truly find it fascinating. How does he function in such chaos? Golf clubs, fishing equipment, baseball caps, suit with balled up dress shirt, boots, shaving cream, clothing, books, one sock of every color (never a pair), honor cords, food. You name it. It’s in the Jeep and probably has been for weeks if not months. 

 I filled a garbage sack with empty Gatorade bottles, straws, shoes missing entire soles, and this. 

I pulled out his favorite beanie from under the front seat and he said, “Great find! I’ve been looking for that.” 

When I got to the trunk I found this. 

Goggles from one of his lab classes, the medical equipment for his ingrown toenail, and a bottle of break fluid. Packaged neatly together. Because of course the break fluid should be stored with the gauze and medical tape. 

The Jeep is clean today. Empty of junk. Vacuumed. Lysoled. Crumbs removed. Dried icecream scraped off the steering wheel. 

How long do we want to bet it stays this way? Over / Under 7 days? 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

To the Core

How do you say Evan’s home without saying Evan’s home? 


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve

I woke up before the sun was up. My to-do list was long and I needed - make that really wanted - to hit the gym first. I was surprised to meet Keagan outside my door headed out for his own workout. He simply said, “I’ve missed it. The sun rises at 6:44. If I leave now, I’ll be on the pitch just as the sun comes up.”

I get it, Baby Boy. I get it.

Nothing says Christmas Eve like Wal-Mart, but I survived and more than that, I came out a winner with a brisket that was marked on sale. Guess what we are having for Christmas dinner. 

I got the traditional potato soup started. I got ten loads of laundry done because Evan is home with every stitch of clothing smelling like a fraternity house. We haven’t even tackled the Jeep. His room was all that I could handle today. Then we headed to church for the candlelight service. 

Merry Christmas Eve!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Spain Day 10: Flying Home

We stayed the night in a hotel in Barcelona and were up early to catch our flight to London. Some of us struggled more than others. Looking at you, Evan. 

The Spanish trip was amazing! I love the tradition, the architecture, the bakeries, the sangria, and the tiny streets. I love the influence of American brands like Carhart and Addidas (which Spaniards love), but the Spaniards need a little assistance in a couple of areas. 

1. For the love of God, allow the use of clothes dryers. Hanging clothes outside on a line like it’s the early 1900s is crazy to me. The clothes dry wrinkled and crunchy.
2. Why are you opposed to the use of wash rags? How do you clean your face without one? Is it because you don’t want another item to hang out to dry?  
3. Pillows - They make more than flat pillows and yet that’s all you seem to have in this country. A little fluff is ok. 
4. Spice - you can put spices on food. I promise it won’t hurt the freshness of your produce. 

That’s all. Where to next year? The globe is too big for us to decide. 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Spain Day 9: Madrid

Today is our last full day in beautiful Spain. We had another beautiful day filled with sunshine and cool temps. We spent the morning at La Reina Sofia, another art museum - this one houses modern art. This is not my thing, but La Guernica is here, and we said “When in Spain.” We saw several other pieces before I raised my white flag. The boys’ flags weee raised before they entered the first display.

We walked through El Parque Retiro where we heard live musicians, saw a magic show, and walked with all of the locals on holiday break. The boys found a park cafe and had beers and hotdogs. 

We took the metro to Bernabeu to watch the Seville / Madrid match. I was so pleased to learn Mbappe was playing tonight. He was injured earlier in the season, and it was questionable if he would play. We were in luck; he had a game! An assist and a goal. So exiting to see!

While not as flashy as Barcelona, Madrid has its charm. It actually grew on me the longer I was there. But I think I’ll still take Barcelona as my favorite. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Spain Day 8: Madrid

I have survived the Spanish flu. I can count on one hand being this sick. I thought death was coming for me yesterday. The mystery meds Evan bought at the pharmacy have been my savior. 

The streets are super crowded today! Every person in Madrid is out - even in the cold - and that’s notable because Spaniards don’t like the cold. We started our day at El Prado, the famous art museum. 

We stopped at El Mercado de San Miguel for envoltini. This market was nothing like the food market in Barcelona, but it was decorated with lights and very festive.

I needed a nap. I started doubting my recovery, and everybody was willing to oblige me. So we all went home for siesta.

When we left the house again for our history and food tour, the streets were crazy crowded. You had street performers dressed in costumes to entertain children, you had groups of carolers with tambourines, you had singers with their guitars, and some type of show or activity in every plaza. 

Our tour was filled with facts and information about Spanish history. Galileo Galili, while in prison for claiming the earth was round, was sought by the sculptor of this statue to help with the physics behind the design. Until he intervened, the sculptor couldn’t get the horse to stand upright. Problem solved when GG did the math. 

Did I mention the crowds?

Our tour took us to three taverns where we sampled authentic Spanish food. Thus far, we have not found anything that we loved that is considered authentic Spanish food. Tonight we had gambas al ajillo - shrimp in garlic butter - that were terrific! 

The boys had icecream for dessert and now we are back home napping and hoping to be up at 0200 for the playoff game. But the rest of the city is still going strong. 

Spain Day 7: Segovia

I had to miss this day trip because I had the flu. I was in bed for 36 hours trying to recover. Evan stayed back with me and was able to go to the pharmacy and request medicine for el gripe. I think I’m on the mend. 

Segovia is known for its Roman aqueduct with 160 arches, the Romanesque church, and medieval walls.  It also has a castle perched on a hill with views of the city. 

Wes: You didn’t miss anything. We have seen castles and walled cities before. 

Keagan: I think you would have really liked Segovia. It wasn’t like a big city. 

Me: 🤔

Thursday, December 19, 2024


While Madrid might lack the charm of Barcelona, they are winning in the carved doors category. Every where you turn, there is a beautifully carved door. I decided to try to capture them all. Evan said, “What's up with you and the doors?” 

“They are beautiful. That’s all.”

Spain Day 6: Madrid

We began today’s adventure walking through the streets of Madrid. It rained early morning, but it stopped about the time we decided to head out. 

We started with a self- guided tour at The Royal Palace; we saw about 20 of the 3,418 rooms. I was saddened to see the flag indicating royalty’s presence was missing; King Felipe is MIA.

Keagan was taken by the colors, ornate design, and ostentatious decor. It’s hard not to be. 

We crossed the street to see Cathedral Almudena, of considerable importance to the locals because it was blessed by PJP II and contains the effigies of their patron saint Isidro. 

We found the Christmas market in Plaza Mayor. I still claim Germany has Spain beat in this category. Very few items were handmade; it was mass production of junk. 

We crossed the city to see the Egyptian ruins dating back to 2nd century BC that were gifted to Spain after their support in saving Nubia from flooding. The Temple of Debod was disassembled, shipped, and reassembled in Montana Park. 

Strolling down and around Calle Arenal, we found a store that specializes in soccer gear. I think the boys could have spent 500 Euros here. They settled on 100 each. I bet we return for additional purchases before we head back home.

All of this walking had us hungry, so we stopped with all the locals to grab a fried calamari sandwich. This was an hit! Only a glass of sangria could have made this better. 

We stopped for dessert because why not? These bakeries call our names when we walk past.

We are living like the Spaniards and returned home to nap during the afternoon rain shower. The boys napped; I did laundry. Then we headed back into the square for tapas and sangria. El Matador had a great sangria with pears. 

We made our way to the next bar for more sangria and more tapas and were surprised to hear Alan Jackson playing. A few streets are decorated with lights, but it was nothing like Barcelona’s Christmas decor. 

Sangria is our friend tonight. I hope he’s still friendly tomorrow morning.