Sunday, August 27, 2023


The first week of college has been eventful for Keagan. Wednesday he had to get stitches after an injury in his morning training session. Leave it to Keagan to be the first player to need medical attention, but the good news is Keagan really liked the team doctor. That’s great; I’m sure he’ll see him again real soon. 

He has a schedule now. He has squared away his financial aid, and he can find his classrooms. Saturday he finished up freshman orientation. I caught this pic of him in the background on a reel posted today. 

He loves the cafeteria food, likes his new suite mates, and is, so far, enjoying college life! I hope he is this enthusiastic once he begins a study routine. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Happy 19th Birthday

Baby boy is 19 today! We celebrated Saturday morning with doughnuts and chocolate milk. 

Today he gets to spend his special day doing what he lives best - soccer. He has his first collegiate training session in the morning and a team scrimmage in the evening. 

Happiest of birthdays, Keagan! We can’t wait to see what the year holds for you. Love you big! 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Moved In

Today was the day Keagan has awaited since May. He’s officially a college student. 

He finally moved into Benson Hall and begins his collegiate training sessions tomorrow. He’s so happy doing what he’s wanted to do for years - play soccer in college. 

Today he had a meeting with the trainer, a compliance meeting, a team meeting, and a team dinner. We had 90 minutes to get him moved in. But that was simple. Keagan wanted to pack and move nothing but underwear, socks, bedding and electronics. 

He lucked out with a single room, but four of the six suite mates are players - one hails from Northern Ireland. The other three he has actually played with on previous teams. 

I can’t wait to see the great things he does at Trevecca. I pray he’s happy and stays healthy. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Family Fun

We are all four under the same roof - even if only for 36 hours. Evan got home Friday night at midnight and slept 10.5 hours! He had to pay a fine for missing a recruitment event, but it was totally worth it. 

We got to watch our boys in blue and gold play in the Leagues Cup championship game and watch Messi play. 

And Jordi Alba. I thought Keagan might cry at the excitement of watching such great players. 

The boys’ arms broke into chill bumps at kick off, and when we scored, I’ve never seen my boys celebrate with such intensity! 

We lost after 11 rounds of penalty kicks! But what a game! The fact that we kept Messi to only one goal was quite the accomplishment. We went in as the underdogs, and I couldn’t be prouder to be a fan. Regular season games resume at home in two weeks and you better believe we will be there!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

See Ya Later

This weekend Keagan is in Knox helping to move Madi into her dorm room. He’s laying down a carpet, hanging wallpaper, and unpacking bags and bags of clothing. 

They are not saying good-bye but see ya later. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

School Year 28

I just finished week one of year 28. I can’t believe I’m typing such a big number - 28! So many schools, teaching assignments, school districts, parents, students! But at least I don’t look like I have been teaching for 28 years. 🤣

I guarantee my great team members and I won’t look this good on May 23. 

Summer was good to me. I hope the fall and spring are good to me, too. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Best Game of my Life

We witnessed the most exciting soccer game of our lives watching our favorite team compete in an international match! 

After a PK was awarded to the opposing team and made in the 80th minute because of a hand ball in the box, we were behind by one. After we tied the game with a goal in the 90th minute, the game went straight to PKs. After missing the fifth PK and “losing” the game, we headed to the parking lot. After we got a text that the missed goal was being reviewed because the keeper came off of his line, we watched the last minute of the game in the car in the parking lot. After we were awarded another chance to hit the PK, we scored and we won! 

After days of rehashing the game, we decided soccer is the absolute best sport!