Today’s day trip took us to Lynchburg, TN where the Southern drawl is thick, the iced tea is sweet, and the whiskey is smooth. We had lunch at Miss Mary Bobo’s Boarding House and ate a family style dinner of fried chicken and all the sides. I gasped when the middle aged man from California asked what okra was, and I chuckled when his wife asked what the green beans were. I guess she’s only had DelMonte beans out of a can. The Vandy nurse who was clearly used to eating nothing but quinoa and broccoli passed on everything but the chicken and two green beans. She quietly tried to motion to her husband to keep her three year old from eating the fudge pie served for dessert, but that didn’t go so well. The kid ate it in three bites and then the mom whispered, “She’s only had pie three times in her life.” My 14 year old had a bag of Doritos and left over Valentine cookies for dinner last night. Clearly I saw nothing wrong with the girl eating pie, but I nodded in agreement with the sinful amount of sugar intake.

We walked down the street to the general store and Wes played checkers with a local.

We toured the distillery and quickly ascertained our local docent was speaking a language foreign to us - called Tennessee Drawl. I think I would have understood more in Spanish but did we chuckle listening to that accent.

The tour was informative, the grounds were beautiful, and the smells were terrific. Wes got a bottle to bring home, but sadly the tasting room did nothing to persuade me to drink whiskey. I will stick to an occasional mimosa and my diet Dr Pepper.