Saturday, September 9, 2017

Because He Has Good Taste in Shoes

Keagan reffed his first soccer games today. He was a nervous wreck since all Evan could talk about was when he reffed his first game and parents yelled the F word throughout the game. To make matters worse, Keagan overheard his center ref say, "Well, damn! I gottta work with the newbie." As a newbie, he was shadowed by an experienced ref who handed out advice and pointers. After two games, he determined Keagan was ready to be on his own. 

One set of parents in the second game suggested Keagan was too young to have a job and should be at home "having fun." Clearly these parents do not understand teaching the value of a dollar or have a kid with a love for expensive shoes. I say let the kid work and pay for his own Addidas Tubulars. 

I'm not sure he will be buying any new shoes any time soon, though. The $54 he earned today was burning a hole in his pocket. After a long morning in the sun, he spent $4 on an Italian ice and then made plans to go to 
Game Stop. 

But first a nap was needed!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Soccer Tourney

We introduced my 92 year old grandmother to Tennessee and soccer this weekend. She was lost watching the games, and the heat was nearly unbearable, but she cheered when we cheered and seemed to love the combined experience of soccer, soybean fields, and tobacco barns.

My aunt Suzanne was gracious to drive the eight hour drive and spend the holiday weekend in the sun so that Moo could see her great-grandson play. 

The boys dominated the first three games winning 2-0, 3-0, and 5-1. Unfortunately, we didn't win the final game. We lost the championship game in PKs and came home in second.