Forget Friday Fun Day; we had a full week of fun days! We just returned from a week at the beach with the family.
We spent full days playing in the sand and the surf, fishing, and boogey boarding.

No trip to the beach is complete, though, without go-cart rides. This proved to be a favorite because Keagan was actually tall enough this year to drive himself.
This year we also took the boys to a ropes course. It was a first for them, and they are hooked with the excitement of possibly falling and hanging in mid-air by a giant hook. I can't even imagine; they can't wait to try another course that's a little bigger.
We also visited a small petting zoo where Keagan made friends with a donkey that he named Tomato Bob. This kid loves animals. The slobber and the animal smells are enough to turn me the other direction, but Keagan couldn't be happier with it on his hands and in his nose.
We ate our weight in fried fish, shrimp cooked every way imaginable, and ice cream. We went to the movies and played nail salon in the sand. We played a game of miniature golf and won Tootsie Rolls at the Arcade. In short, we had one great week!