Sunday, July 26, 2015


We wrapped up the travel basketball season today with a first place win. In the final game, we beat a team from Alabama by more than twenty-five points.  It's been a great season with more than fifty wins and only a handful of losses. 

Fall soccer season begins Monday. There's no rest for the weary.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Last Summer Hoorah

My summer vacation ends Monday morning at 0800. I'm saddened to see the lazy days come to an end. We are spending our final summer hoorah in the Smokies.

Evan is playing in a basketball tournament, 

and in between games, we are playing! 

We easily won games one and two Friday night. This morning we hung out at the aquarium. 

Keagan was taken by the doctor fish that ate the dead skin from his fingers. He claimed to be a "new man" after thirty seconds in the tank. 

Games three and four are next. Wish us luck!

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Second Amendment in Practice

No trip to Texas would be complete without the use of firearms. Evan was determined to use his Gamo; he was on the constant search for a snake or a squirrel to be used as target practice. Today he got to take his youngest cousin with him into the woods.

Besides shootin' up the back yard and playing Mario Cart, the cousins were busy making wonderful memories playing Hunger Games and cops and robbers. Another great summer day with family is in the books. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Lazy Days of Summer

This week's Friday Family Fun Day takes us to Texas. We have spent hours in the pool soaking up the sun.

We perfected tricks in the air with Uncle Jamie as the launching pad. 

We visited with grandmothers, aunts, and  family friends.

The boys have adopted Texas as home and look forward to the annual summer trip more than anything else. This has become our family mantra: "Home is your place and the constant you want to have when everything else around you seems to change."

Until next summer. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Beach Week

Forget Friday Fun Day; we had a full week of fun days! We just returned from a week at the beach with the family.


We spent full days playing in the sand and the surf, fishing, and boogey boarding.

No trip to the beach is complete, though, without go-cart rides. This proved to be a favorite because Keagan was actually tall enough this year to drive himself.

This year we also took the boys to a ropes course. It was a first for them, and they are hooked with the excitement of possibly falling and hanging in mid-air by a giant hook. I can't even imagine; they can't wait to try another course that's a little bigger.

We also visited a small petting zoo where Keagan made friends with a donkey that he named Tomato Bob. This kid loves animals. The slobber and the animal smells are enough to turn me the other direction, but Keagan couldn't be happier with it on his hands and in his nose.

We ate our weight in fried fish, shrimp cooked every way imaginable, and ice cream. We went to the movies and played nail salon in the sand. We played a game of miniature golf and won Tootsie Rolls at the Arcade. In short, we had one great week!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Birthday, USA

We spent our lazy day cooking burgers on the grill, spending time together in the back yard, and popping fireworks. Happy birthday, America!


Friday Family Fun Day - Third Edition

Today we took the boys to watch the USMNT play Guatemala. The US won 4-0. We had great seats that allowed us to see all the bad calls made by the refs and the questionable yellow cards. 

Keagan told me tonight there's no way that another Friday Fun Day will compare to this one, unless I have plans to take him to a Thunder game. 

Friday, July 3, 2015

American Dream

These three boys have been hanging out off and on all summer. They were in the same class last year and live within a mile of one another. Despite the "tough" look they have for the camera, they really are best of friends. 

The Honduran. The Texan. The Korean. Together they represent everything that I have instilled in my boys about race and ethnicity. What could be more All-American than this?