Thursday, July 31, 2008

Soccer Star

Today Keagan had his second soccer smarts class, and for the record, no guns were needed for today's drills. After thirty minutes of ball skills, the coach allowed the kids some one-on-one scrimmage time. Keagan didn't quite get the idea of "go after the ball when your number is called", but once the coach convinced him that it was actually Keagan's turn, he tackled the ball like he had been playing for years. He is the smallest kid in the class, and when the other parents saw him run after the ball the first time, there was an universal, "AAAHHHH!". I don't think anyone expected the short white boy in the class to have any speed or any skills. At one point, his friend Bryce had the ball, and Keagan ran up in front of him with is arms up in the air yelling, "Pass the ball, Bryce!" The parents all started laughing because no other kid on the field had any idea what it meant to pass the ball. Keagan was on cloud nine for the rest of the afternoon; he kept saying, "Mom, I am a soccer star and I am really good!" So he, too, has a bit of competitiveness and self-confidence. He comes by it naturally.