Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Top Readers

We received some wonderful news today. Evan has earned the end-of-year AR prize for earning the most points in his grade level. It isn't supposed to be formally announced until Tuesday, but we have been on pins and needles awaiting the results, and when his teacher emailed me today at school, I let out a shriek of excitement. It may seem silly to most, but this award is a big deal for Evan. He has wanted to win this year's competition since he won last year's, and since another girl in his class decided it was her goal to beat him this year, we have been at all-out-war with this book reading competition.

He has plans to spend his prize money on an agility ladder. Seriously! I couldn't make that up if I tried.

Not to be out done by his big brother, we learned that Keagan is also a winner; he earned the end-of-year AR prize for first grade! This wasn't nearly as big of a surprise because the first graders' points have been displayed in the hallway since school started. However, he was still worried about losing - especially to a girl.

He plans to spend his prize money on a surprise. In translation, this means we will spend hours perusing the toy aisles, and he will cry about how difficult it is to choose between two really cool toys. I will cry with the torture of indecision, and Evan will cry because Keagan will prefer to buy a toy instead of paying for half of the agility ladder.

Lucky for me, though, I made no promises this year to take the boys to a water park if they won. Instead, I promised a trip to Six Flags. That's almost as bad when you learn the younger son can't ride half the coasters because he is still too short. One day I will get these promises in check. Until then, I am going to be super duper proud of both of my little readers!

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