Sunday, May 13, 2012

Guess Who's Headed to State?

There seems to be a pattern here....the Gators play and the rain falls. This weekend was no exception. In fact, it rained so much overnight that the second day of the state playoffs wasn't actually played. The winners and the advancing teams were determined by penalty kicks! This was completely absurd. However, we went to the semis with Evan playing goalie, Keagan praying he wouldn't be forced to kick, and my desperate pleas for anti-nausea medication. Even Opa and Oma were on pins and needles with the excitement.

Evan stopped two of the three opposing team's goals. Our first four players made all four shots, and we were named one of the two finalists. Next weekend we are headed back to Atlanta to determine the U10 state champions! Due to part celebration and part pure nerves, the Shock Top will be consumed in abundance at our house tonight!

Here on a couple of  pictures taken during game two, our only game with no rain, and the one game where Opa was almost kicked out for voicing his disagreement with one of the ref's calls. Or was that my disagreement? All of the protests have become a big blur for me, but one thing I do know. Field marshals have a hard time understanding our level of competitiveness.

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