Wednesday, May 2, 2012


The mysterious two finger hand sign has been translated for this old lady who originally referred to it as "a gang symbol or a peace sign gone wrong." I stand corrected.

It means deuces.

When I asked Keagan today what deuces meant, he gave me one long blank stare and picked up his matchbox cars and continued his race around the rim of the bathtub. He didn't know, and yet, he poses in every picture with the deuces hand sign.

My older and much wiser son, however, had the answer. He knows everything, you know. I mean EVERYTHING. Don't think you can argue him down on anything. You will never win. He knows it all, and today was no exception.

Ol' Wise One tells us it means, "See you later."

I asked Evan when the wave goodbye was replaced with the two finger see you later salute, and he replied, "That's how it's done in Georgia, Mom. I haven't lived here forever, so I don't know why they don't just wave."

I was almost convinced this time.

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