Monday, May 21, 2012

End of Year Awards Assembly

When I was the boys' ages, I hated school. Both of my boys do, too, but sometimes days like today make it all worth it. Today was first grade's end of year awards assembly. Keagan was awarded the academic award for the highest reading average in his class.

In the special areas portion of the ceremony, he was awarded "Excellence in Art." That blue cat painted on 1/3 of the canvas must have impressed someone.
His teacher, Mrs. Crystal, is awesome. She listens to every Monday morning soccer story, she ooohhhs and aaahhhs over all of the medals he brings to show and tell, and she tells him every day how awesome he is. We seem to think she is pretty awesome herself!

He had to go to school today and stay until at least 11:00 to end the year with perfect attendance and earn yet another award. He had a temperature of 101, said his throat was on fire, and said he felt something crawly in his tummy. I signed him out at 11:10 for his first sick day in three years of school.

I am so proud of him! I mean seriously proud of him.

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