Thursday, May 3, 2012

Education Rocks

Another school musical. This time Santa didn't lose his drawers, and I think I can safely say this performance wasn't nearly as memorable. The class of 2021 performed "Education Rocks" with a medley of music that put the audience to near sleep. After song #3, I completely understood why Evan had been complaining about music class for the past month.

Have I mentioned the arts aren't really something my boys seem to gravitate towards?

No matter how bad I ever thought the performance might be, though, I would never miss it. Today I was heart broken to see so many little guys without their parents there to see them.

After I snapped a picture or two, we made our way back to the classroom to pack up, and then all three of us hit the local yogurt shop to celebrate another day closer to summer vacation! Only sixteen more days!

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