Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Smiles and Squeals

Evan is the hardest kid to buy for. He wants nothing; yet he wants everything. He is picky, and he always has very high expectations. For the past two weeks he has told us over and over and over again that he wants Skylanders for his birthday, and every time he has mentioned it, we have shot the idea down with excuses like "it is too expensive", "Skylanders...What's that?", and "I think you might need to wait for Christmas." On Sunday afternoon, I know I broke his heart when he saw the display on the aisle of Target, and I told him he would need to begin saving his money. Because he had only a dollar to his name, he knew he didn't stand a chance. It took all I had to not reveal the surprise the UPS delivery guy would bring on Monday.

We celebrated Evan's birthday tonight - a day early because Wes leaves tomorrow for an extended trip. We saved the Skylanders gift for last.

We had hidden the box for two days, but when he saw it today, I know he was secretly hoping we had changed our mind and bought the big prize.

He squealed when he opened it. Squealed! My sweet, quiet Evan who never gets excited about anything if it doesn't involve scoring a point. He says it was the best birthday ever, and I am so glad I didn't break down on Sunday and reveal the truth. Tonight's smile and happiness were well worth the heart ache.

It is well past their bed time, and yet the boys are in the game room playing just "one more level." It is the night that Wes hopes never ends, and so I am allowing a little extra Wii time tonight.

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