Saturday, November 26, 2011

Scientists in the Making

We spent our last day in Tennessee (sniffle, sniffle) at the science museum in Nashville. The boys loved it!

I don't think we have to worry with Keagan ever deciding to study medicine, though. One look into the surgery ward that had various animal parts soaking in chemicals, and he walked out with a disgusted, "YUCK!"

Nor should we worry with Evan working as a fighter pilot. Even if Wes is fascinated with flight and fighter jets, Evan walked out of the Blue Max flight simulator "bored."

The Space Chase exhibit was extensive and impressive, but the idea of building pressure to launch rockets was just a little over their heads.

So what did impress the boys? Cruising down the digestive system slide in the Body Quest Exhibit and hitting the landing with a loud fart. Evan did it over and over.
He makes me so proud!

I guess this means that his future contribution to science will be his production of gas and, thus,the even-faster-than-normal depletion of the ozone layer. I now have visions of him living his adult years in my basement, eating my food, and spending his days perfecting the arm fart.

Sadly, today, I am finding hope in his pursuit to be a professional football player. 

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