Sunday, November 6, 2011

Clown Shoes

This is what Keagan wore to church this morning, and it wasn't until we were fifteen minutes into our thirty minute drive to church that I hear Evan say, "Keagan, why do you have my shoes on?" An argument ensues. I glance to the backseat and notice one shoe is on the wrong foot. I ask Keagan to switch shoes, and I notice he still has one on the wrong foot.

Let me see, I say. He props his feet on the middle console and I see that the soles of the shoes carry two different sizes and he has a right foot shoe on his left foot.

How in the world did he walk out of the house with two different shoes and two shoes for the right foot? Because at least one of the shoes belongs to our Man-Child, it should have been obvious that he had something wrong. I think the extra six inches in the toe of the shoe should have been a really big clue. He left the house wearing clown shoes I tell ya. Clown shoes.

Thank God it wasn't a school day.

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