Saturday, November 12, 2011

Veterans Day

Veteran's Day came and went. I feel conflicted celebrating the good deeds of veterans when our favorite veteran leaves next week for the desert and has been gone all month for pre-deployment training. I must tell you the boys have done AMAZING with Wes's absence. So well that I am worried that our children have taken it so well. I would like to think that we have done an awesome job of preparing them for the event, but it is probably more accurate to say that, as military children, they have adjusted to a lifestyle that Wes and I never experienced as children and are, therefore, more resilient to change. Either way, we recognized the day by sleeping in, watching TV, and eating junk food on the couch. It was probably a day very similar to that of most Americans.

This long weekend, though, also means we will travel to Atlanta for our fall soccer tournament. Here's to a weekend of big wins and a plea to myself to contain my sideline cheers!! Go GATORS!

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