Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I have a hard time handing out trick or treat candy to teens, but I have an even harder time doing it when they don't bother to wear a costume and they use a purse as their treat sack. So when the eighth grader wearing sweats and carrying the fake Gucci purse just rang my bell, I gave her a pixie stick that I found in the pantry from a birthday party we attended months ago. She saw my chocolate, she saw me bypass it, and I caught her questioning look.

The pixie stick seemed like a good decision at the time, the perfect "that'll get her", but I am now fearing retaliation.
As I lay awake tonight waiting for the sounds of eggs hitting my windows, I will take comfort in knowing I have these guys watching over me.

Evan as Captain America, Keagan as a Storm Trooper, and Ian as a Ninja

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