Sunday, October 2, 2011

Playground Deals

Friday night we attended the Military Police Ball in Savannah. We haven't attended an Army formal event in ten years, and I really didn't want to go this past weekend. However, after Wes asked me three times and then finally begged me to go, I conceded.

After I took the boys with me to find a new formal dress and then drug them all over town looking for a clutch to match my new shoes, the boys understood the event was a big deal. Last week, Keagan came home with a  trinket wrapped in a plastic bag and tied with a rubber band. He proudly said, "This is for you to wear to your important dinner, Mom. I got it today when I traded my Pokemon cards for it." I opened my gift bag to find the most beautiful fifty cent bracelet you have ever seen.

I wore it Friday night with my two hundred dollar dress, my pair of Nina shoes, and my $50 up-do. You can bet it was the most precious thing I wore - even if it turned my wrist green.

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