Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pure Joy

Who needs milk jugs or cow bells when you have my squeals of pure joy? That's what the Steelers had tonight when we captured win number two of the season. I could give you the play by play, but really all you need to know is that Evan had the winning touchdown with only 12 seconds left on the clock. At this point, that's about all I can remember about the night. That and Keagan's textbook tackle on the five yard line. He celebrated with a move that we call The Ratliffe, in honor of the the Dallas Cowboy. I think it was lost on the Georgian crowd,  but  he has waited all season for an excuse for that move. He performed it perfectly. Despite my near coronary in the last minute of play, I think this was probably the best day of my life.

Evan and Coach Merritt plan the big play

All that I said Tuesday night about how happy I was to say good-bye to football was a lie. I am saddened to say good-bye to legitimate first downs, scrambles right down the middle, and last minute wins. It is unfortunate that we decided to do all of this the last game of the season - very unfortunate because I know that I could muster the energy to cheer the boys on one more time. After tonight's excitement and confirmation that God is a Steelers fan, I don't know if I can wait nine months to begin the next season.

Perhaps it goes without saying that the search for summer football camps has been moved to the top of my list of priorities.

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