Monday, July 8, 2013

New Adventure

This is some kind of record; we have unpacking household goods down to a science. All 256 boxes/items were unpacked, organized, hung, and/or placed in the appropriate place within three and a half days. I'm like that blind guy in that movie that I don't remember the title that can take apart and reassemble his rifle in thirty seconds. I'm that good.

I wish I could say the same about the guys who unloaded our goods from the moving van. Evan's bedroom furniture set arrived with only 1.75 bed-side tables, and the under-the-bed drawers to my brand new bed are missing knobs. I plan to file a claim to the missing furniture, the scratched furniture, and the broken glassware, but I wish I could also claim the scratches, OH THE MANY SCRATCHES, to our beautifully painted walls. 

Perhaps the worst part of our experience was the guys' inability to put the boys' beds together properly. I will admit that the Ikea bed has given me fits before, but I never dropped a handful of screws around the house and then pretended the bed was secure by saying, "You are all set up in here!"  This ambiguous statement, we later learned, really meant "Your bed is set to fall apart on you while sleeping tonight." 

I shouldn't complain. The packing, loading, and unloading is all free, and we have never encountered anyone less than accommodating. Today we can leave the house and venture to somewhere in the city other than Lowes and Target. Our new adventure awaits!

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