Monday, July 15, 2013

Job, Sweet, Job Number 7

In the last fifteen years, I have held more jobs that most people do in a lifetime. I had almost decided that not working for a year or two might be a good thing. I talked myself into living and loving the typical officer wife life: lunch dates with friends, going to the gym with a workout partner, cooking great meals every single night, and attending a weekly Bible Study.

Praise the Lord! This arrived in my inbox today.


Congratulations, you have been selected for FLES Teacher position at XXX-XXXX Schools!  

Please review the job offer letter, sign, and return to me annotating your acceptance/declination. You can return this by either scanning in the email or fax.  

If you have any questions, please contact me by email or at the phone number provided in the job offer letter.

I will be teaching Spanish to elementary aged students. Can I tell you that teaching kinder and first graders scares the BeJeezus out of me? I don't even know where to begin. I've decided I just can't think about it too much or it stresses me out. I find it much more comforting knowing that I can now purchase a new washing machine and not feel guilty. Who needs lunch dates and work out partners when you can have clean clothes?

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