Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lions, Tigers and Bears...Oh My!

 It seems like we have had the longest summer on record, and yet I can't believe I only have two more weeks of sleeping past 0530. We have done nothing this summer but pack, clean, and unpack; it really pales in comparison to our last two summers spent in Turks & Caicos and Puerto Rico.

Our real summer fun began this week when my sister and her family met us in Tennessee for a few days. Our first stop was the zoo.

It was hotter than hot, but we walked every inch of that park. The cousins got to see every animal on their wishlist except the koala bear and kangaroo. 

But Caroline rode a kangaroo instead, and this seemed so much more fun. She was hoppin' so fast she couldn't keep her eyes open!

This I know to be true. Zoo visits during the month of July are not for the faint in heart. 

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