Wednesday, July 24, 2013

He Said It

Evan wore a new shirt yesterday. It left tiny pieces of red cotton under his arms. I told him to make sure he washed under his arms when in the shower, and Keagan asked, "Did you get that because you used too much shampoo?" Evan replied, "No, Keagan. Who uses shampoo under their arms?" Keagan's reponse, "Well, I do. Sometimes I use conditioner, too. I like to be fresh." 

We spent a good hour last night playing Apples to Apples. Keagan threw out cards that were totally ridiculous and had us all laughing hysterically. Keagan said, "If I don't make it in the NBA, then I think I will have my own talk show. It will be called, 'The Keagan.'"

We spent all day yesterday registering for school, the YMCA, and child care on post. I think I wrote my cell phone number down no fewer than a dozen times and at one point I got so sick of having to include three emergency contacts when I have lived in this new town for only three weeks and know no one, I mean no one, that I finally just began making up peoples' names and phone numbers. We got to the second stop, and the boys were embarrassing me with under-their-breath chuckles. I was getting so frustrated and finally when we were alone I asked what was so funny. Evan replied, "Keagan saw you wrote 'M' next to sex on the forms and he asked me, 'Why does Mom say I have medium sex?' 

God love him. 

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