Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Factory Tour x Three

If anyone had told me I would be fascinated with nutmeg on my trip to the beach, I would have laughed. I mean, I don't even like nutmeg in my food. Never mind the fact that it is a seed. How can a seed be interesting? But I will admit that today I was in total awe with the production and distribution of a seed. Last week it was dirt moving down the river on a barge. Now it's seeds. What's next?

We toured a nutmeg factory this morning and learned the seeds are separated into three groups by hand. I repeat. By hand. This was what really struck me as fascinating. In some parts of the world, people still work with their hands and take great pride in doing so. I could tell you why there are three groups, but I know normal people would find that boring. 

 Then the seeds are dried. 

 Last, they are cracked and distributed. 

Let me go on record to say it was at this point in our trip that Evan wished he was born into another family. Who goes on vacation to visit a nutmeg factory? We do, Evan. One day you will thank me for this experience because it will show you are well-traveled and open to new experiences. 

But the fun didn't stop there. We also visited a rum distillery, where the rum is produced using the same machinery as that used three hundred years ago. 

Then we stopped at a chocolate factory. 
We tasted cocoa beans. Well, all but Evan because he was still wishing a calamity on our tour bus so he could get back to the pool.

We witnessed all of the steps in the production of chocolate. The seeds we are first fermented. 

Then they are dried in sun rooms. 

We left this stop for the gift shop and bought our weight in fresh chocolate. Interestingly, Evan's mood perked up. I've decided to keep chocolate in secret places places around the house, and when his blood sugar drops and his foul moods begin, I will shove chocolate down his throat. Then all will be better with the world. 

Tomorrow we lounge all day at the pool. 

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