Thursday, December 25, 2014

This is Awesome!

Thank goodness that last package from Amazon made it to our house on December 23rd! According to Keagan it was that last box filled with Air Soft guns that sealed this year's Christmas as the best one yet! Both boys are geared up with protective eye masks, visors, neck guards, and chest vests. Keagan is running through the house in full gear and must have said thirty times already, "This is awesome!" I even got a head nod or two from Evan when he opened the guns.

And then there was this...

Keagan opened his fins and said, "Well, this will be great when we got to the beach year!" Why in the world do you have nutmeg, snorkeling gear, and binoculars under the tree? The boys had no idea and so we had to reveal that we are taking a family vacation. Tomorrow we will make our way to Grenada for snorkeling off the white sand beach, a hike through the rainforest looking for birds, and a tour of a nutmeg processing plant. The last one really had them excited! :)

The most thoughtful and unique gift was a set of arrowheads collected by the boys' great-great-uncle Bennie in the 1950s when he lived near San Antonio. The boys' wild imagination had them thinking of the Alamo, Indians, and battles. The boys loved it, Moo!

Merry Christmas to All!

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