Thursday, December 25, 2014

Battle of the Brothers

It took the boys over an hour each to prepare the big guns and pistols for the first Battle of the Brothers. Then the rules of Air Soft Battles had to be explained. I overheard Wes say, "Stop talking" several times during the rule run-down. That took another half hour. Then it took some time to get the gear on.

It only took a full morning of prep, but the boys were finally ready. The first fight was temporarily halted when I found Evan three lots over on the roof of the house under construction.

Keagan was deemed the winner of the first fight. Due to Evan's cries of injustice, Wes is now mediating the second battle.

The irony of our celebrating the gift of life while my boys are out shootin' each other up, is not lost on me, but some traditions are hard to break.

Christmas 2008 in Virginia

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