Thursday, April 5, 2012

He Is Risen

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you for sending the boys Amazon gift cards for Easter. As soon as we got the codes applied to their Amazon accounts, both boys began shopping for apps, books, and music. Keagan bought an Easter egg hunt app and an UNO app. If he isn't hunting for Easter eggs, then he is playing card games on his Kindle. He also found a book on dogs that he bought and read in all of 15 minutes. We're all about non-fiction animal books; there can't possibly be any we haven't read in the school library.

Evan bought book three in the Sweet Farts series. After two books, it is somehow still funny. And he found a new series from the same author that he decided he had to have since reading about farts has proven to be so entertaining. But, by far, the best purchase was the $3.99 app for MONOPOLY. Evan has played for three days against unknown opponents, and I haven't had to move my little silver shoe along the game board all week. In fact, he is so taken by the app, he decided on Wednesday that I could pack up the marathon game that has been sitting on the leather ottomans for the past 15 days. For this, I will be eternally grateful!

Happy Easter! He is risen!

And my living room is now free of paper money!

He is risen indeed!

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