Monday, April 2, 2012

Godly Wisdom

This past week Keagan had a complete melt down about missing a soccer game to attend a track meet. It was only one game, and there are only four track meets this season. I tried rationalizing with him, and it totally back fired on me.

"Keagan, you are so very fast. God has given you a special gift, and by not running, you are not using your God-given talent. You should really think about that when you tell me you want to skip the meet."

Keagan stomps off to his room. A couple of minutes later he returns.

"Mom, I've been thinking about what you said. I know God made me fast, but He made me fast for the soccer field. Not the track. I want to run fast when I play soccer."

Needless to say, track has been scratched from the calendar, and I have learned to never argue God given talents with my seven year old. He is wiser than I.

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