Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Art Fair

My kids can do a lot of things and do them well, but art is not one of them. Much like their mama, a stick figure with eyes and a mouth is about all they can handle. I decided to attend tonight's art fair, though, to show my support to the school and the teachers. I had no intention of buying my own sons' art work. At $34 per framed work, I really thought it was highway robbery.

We found the first grade aisle, and we found Keagan's blue cat. Every first grader drew a blue cat, but Keagan's was the only cat drawn on the upper 1/3 of the paper and the only cat sitting in a field of grass with the sun brushing the tip of  his whiskers.

I took my obligatory picture, told him how beautiful it was, and hung his art work back on the rack. Keagan asked, "Mom, what are you doing? You are supposed to go buy it now." One look at his little face, and there was no way I could say no...not even to a blue cat drawn on only 1/3 of the paper.

Then it was time to walk to the third grade aisle. Every third grader used water colors to paint the ocean, and they each created origami sailboats to place in the ocean.

Evan had an orange sky when everyone else had a red/orange sky, and he had a small tear in the paper that became a representation of lightning. No one else had lightning in their pictures.

What could I do? Leaving behind Sun Kissed Cat and Lightning Strikes the Ocean was not an option. We headed out the door minus $64 but with two perfect pieces of art work created by the most talented artists I know.

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