Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reunion Weekend

On Monday I put the final touches on my fourth grade classroom. It was perfect. On Tuesday at 11:00 I found out I was now teaching fifth grade. At 2:00 I found out I was changing classrooms. Perfect classroom was no more. I worked until 10:00 that night moving furniture, hanging bulletin boards, and scrubbing sticky tack off the walls because there was no way I was welcoming parents and students into an unfinished room. My new classroom looked even better than my old classroom by Wednesday at noon. It was just one stressful week. By Friday, I was more than ready for the weekend, but even better than the weekend was a weekend spent with the Davis family! It has been 13 months since we were last together, and it was so good to see them.

If you don't believe me, then just look at my boys' faces. They were so happy to be reunited with their friends from Virginia. We're hoping it isn't another 13 months before we see each other again. 

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