Monday, August 29, 2011

And One Became Five

Two months ago Maybelle decided to make our backporch her new home, and I was at the dollar store trying to find the smallest and cheapest bag of catfood possible. All the while, I was praying that we would return home to find her long gone.

Seven weeks ago I decided a really responsible person would take the stray cat to the vet and ensure it was healthy, and I was in complete shock when the vet technician asked me to hold the cat while she was vaccinated. I left with cat hair all over my clothes and completely disgusted with the idea of owning a pet.

Four weeks ago, Wes told me that I had indeed nursed the stray cat back to health with multiple feedings of Friskies. In fact, he informed me, she was healthy pregnant.

Last week, Maybelle went off to the woods to deliver her fist litter of kittens. I fretted for days over those kittens. I tried to get Maybelle to lead me to the kittens. I tried to reason with her about the dangers of the wood line and snakes. I tried cooing with her and I even tried speaking to her with stern looks. I knew then I had crossed the line into pet ownership.

Sunday afternoon she brought four of the sweetest looking kittens ever to the back porch, and I was smitten, but nothing could have prepared me for what I did next. I picked her up to give her one big kiss on the nose!

With that said, I have no plans to keep five cats. Please tell me you will take one home with you in about six weeks!

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