Sunday, August 21, 2011

Destination Birthday

We celebrated Keagan's 7th birthday this weekend at an amusement park. It was a destination birthday, and in my opinion, the best way to celebrate. We spent day one riding roller coasters and melting into the concrete.

We spent day two at the animal exhibit and then the water park.
I assure you I was a good distance away when this picture was taken. 

Later this afternoon we returned home to open the gifts our family sent.

After hearing me all week say, "No, you cannot open an early birthday gift", Keagan was bouncing off the walls with excitement.
We wrapped up the evening with ice cream cake.He picked this cake out himself. In fact, he was dancing around the freezer section of Dairy Queen when he saw this design. He was that excited.

But after seven years, anyone who knows Keagan knows he is prone to display a few dance moves every now and again.

As we put him to bed tonight, he whined, "Oh, I just wish it could last a little longer!"

I will take that to mean he had a wonderful weekend. Happy Birthday, Keagan!

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