Friday, May 14, 2010

Playdates with Almost Boys

SSSHHHH! Don't tell Evan you saw this here because a playdate with a girl is like the ultimate embarrassment for a first grade boy. Or so I learned this week.

I found this sweet little note in Evan's take home folder on Monday. I asked him about it, and he just rolled his eyes. I thought it might be fun to have a playdate with Ava, but when I encouraged him to take her up on the offer, he replied, "Mom, I'm not that kind of boy."

I reminded him that he has had playdates with Campbell, and she is a girl. He replied, "That's different, Mom. She is almost a boy because she plays Ben10."

And that cleared up all of my confusion regarding playdate options. Playdates with girls are no-gos, but playdates with "almost boys" are just fine.

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