Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

We spent the morning in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania at the National Civil War Museum, a Smithsonian sponsored museum. It was a wonderful museum, and we were, sadly, just about the only ones there. It had many original pieces and a very nice multi-media approach similar to the Marine Museum at Quantico.

With lots of talk of good guys and bad guys, violent battles, hospitals in wagons, and various weapons, the boys went to the gift shop to buy guns. Don't let the irony of our attempt to show the hardships and violence of war become lost on our children who wanted nothing more than to reenact the violent battles. We weren't home five minutes and the boys were outside in the tree line playing war. After hours of playing outside, they returned to the house to say, "We won two wars, Mom."

If only it were that easy to declare victory and be done with the battle.

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