Thursday, May 6, 2010

Me Through Keagan's Eyes

Task: Keagan's Poster of Mom
Objective: Paint a picture of your mom and then describe her

This is what he wrote:
"My favorite thing to do with my mom is plant sunflowers."
Truth be told, he did this with Oma. Not me.

The best thing my mommy cooks is shrimp.
Truth: Keagan had food poisoning the last time I fixed shrimp. I think he meant to say he likes the shrimp that Mom has delivered by the Chinese guy.

"My mommy's favorite thing to do is ride bikes."
Truth: I don't own a bike. I have never even ridden a bike with Keagan.

"My mommy's favorite food is sandwiches."
Truth: I eat them every day for lunch only because it is the easiest thing to eat when I must grade papers, attend meetings, and write lesson plans during my 24 minute lunch break."

"My mommy's favorite color is pink."
Truth: It is green.

And here is my favorite..."My mommy likes to wear a costume."
I have no idea where he came up with this idea. He must have confused himself with me because I have always HATED costumes and Halloween parties, but he told me, "I think you really did like costumes when you were a little girl."

There is no use in arguing the point, and I can't hurt his feelings when he has gone to such great lengths to complete the project. So I smile and think about how I'll just grab a sandwich and go out for a bike ride.

Oh, how I love being Keagan's mother!

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