Friday, December 23, 2022

Tennessee Tundra

We landed last night in Nashville and it was 50 degrees. On the drive home, the temps fell 15 degrees and it began sleeting. Three hours later, with a car full of groceries, it was 25 degrees and snowing. The streets were slick, and I couldn’t believe I was on the roads in the mess. But we had to have food.

It’s -4 this morning and we have no heat downstairs. And guess whose propane tank is empty. That means we have no working fireplace either. The city is completely shut down. Nobody is going anywhere today. 

Evan, in the coldest room of the house, woke up at 0630 shivering and took refuge in Keagan’s room, the warmest room in the house. He took a shower and said the shampoo came out of the bottle as a solid. He said climbing the stairs to Keagan’s room was like entering a new climate zone.

I took a shower to get out of one pair of pajamas to only put on another pair. After making breakfast, putting dinner in the crockpot, and making Christmas tree cookies, 

I’m snuggled on the couch with a book.

Tomorrow night Santa comes! 

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