Monday, December 5, 2022

Senior Photos

Keagan’s senior photo shoot was November 11. It took me a month to choose my downloads. I chose the baby pic for graduation, though, in less than half an hour. That was easy. 

I remember 2005. That was the hardest year of my life, but the lack of sleep and misery of living that first year in Northern Virginia were often erased from my short term memory by that smile and those eyes.

Senior pictures still seems strange to me. I thought I’d have more time with him. I thought the two years with just Keagan at home would slow time down, but it didn’t. I’ve learned time is a thief. 

He still has the smile and blue eyes. 

Big decisions still have to be made; most importantly. he has to choose a school. I keep telling myself we have time, but time is ticking away. Decision time is here. 

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