Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Saint Nick

There are so many wrongs with this picture. First, Saint Nicolaus visited three days late because “she” was too busy juggling soccer tournaments, planning two meals a day, attending basketball games, making appointments, doing laundry, taking care of dirty dishes, installing new floors, and this little thing called work.  Then, St. Nick found no boots to stuff with goodies because they’ve been stored away in an inaccessible closet due to new stairs/ floor installation. He used the next big thing, the soon-to-be tradition adopted by every German child (I’m sure of it), the gift bag. Last, the pic was taken in the dark without kids because I was out the door at 6:10 and the boys had it all picked apart by the time I got home at 8:30!

But #traditions live on. 

When I got home, Evan actually told me thank you. My heart melted. He (and Keagan) acknowledges everything I do. 

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