Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

I was the first one up this morning. I had to make sure Santa arrived and had everything out.

I got the sausage muffins mixed and in the oven along with the hash brown casserole before the boys were up. At 8:30 I found Keagan awake and just getting out of bed. He told me he had big plans for waking up Evan. 

Big bro was not happy but he got up anyway. 

Keagan got a gaming chair. And new Nikes.

Evan got new basketball shoes.

And socks. I had to special order the extra large socks for his size 13 feet. 

Within the hour they were out of the house on this beautiful day headed to the basketball courts. If only their Gorilla goal was installed and ready for play. 

The Christmas dinner menu was created by Keagan and includes ham, asparagus, creamed corn, and rolls. 

While I cooked, Wes took Keagan on a practice run in the truck. He’s very eager to drive. He even has a truck picked out for when he turns 16 in August. 

It’s 70 degrees out. I plan to spend the afternoon on the deck with a book. I couldn’t ask for anything more - except maybe the beach instead of the golf course.

Merry Christmas!🎄

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