Sunday, November 3, 2019

State Cup

As the eighth seed, we did not have high hopes going into the State Cup and playing the first seeded team. So imagine our surprise when the score was zero all at half. Or our excitement when we scored the first goal of the game in the 75th minute. Even when they scored in the 80th minute with a banger (one of the best placed shots I’ve seen) we still maintained we had the advantage when the game went to PKs. Unfortunately, they hit one more into the goal with twenty seconds remaining. It was heartbreaking. But this is exactly why we come back for more each and every weekend. There is always hope you will win next time.

I though a Keagan had a great defensive game. He had several key plays that kept the Legends from scoring. Here’s his header in the 60th minute. 

We left the game with our heads down, but we already look forward to next weekend and the next game.

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