Sunday, November 3, 2019

Happy 17th Birthday


My Dearest Evan, 

I frequently feel like I’m living out the role of Elyse Keaton and you are the character of Alex Keaton (minus the suit) from any episode of “Family Ties.” Your strong opinions, your unyielding look at life, your unwavering thoughts about politics can be frustrating to me. I often wonder how you, with these ultra-conservative views, could be my son? Then I realize I have a son who can have an articulate dialogue, who can debate any topic with research to support it, and can think freely of those closest to him. This is exactly what I wanted to foster in you these last seventeen years and that is exactly what has been cultivated. You are confident, intelligent, and possess a very strong identity of self. I could not be prouder - even if I disagree in the majority of what you profess - of you! The world is yours! I can’t wait to see you pave your way through the world; your path has certainly been outlined! 

Love you BIG!

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