Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Happy Birthday, Keagan

My baby boy is 15 today! Most people know Keagan as the “athletic kid.” There’s no doubt he has a competitive spirit and loves to win. The inner circle knows him as the “funny kid.” No one can make me laugh harder. But I hope everyone recognizes his compassion for others. 

When you let a through ball get by you, he will be the first one to pat your back and encourage you to keep your head up. When his teacher loses her best friend, he will be at her room every day before school to check on her. When the autistic kid gets scared when the school loses power, Keagan will be the one to sit on the floor with him and talk him through his fear of the dark. When Keagan’s pulled from the game or injured on the sidelines, he won’t mope (for long anyway); he will cheer for his teammates (and maybe even holler a few tidbits of coaching advice.) 😂 He’s a far better person than I am; I’m so proud to call him mine. 

We started celebrating at 0545 with a slice of lemon cake from Starbucks. His favorite!

We had his favorite New York style barbecue chicken pizza for dinner and cheesecake for dessert. 

Then we opened gifts. Besides the knee injury and the obvious discomfort, I think he had a pretty good day. Next up is the driving permit test! 

Happy birthday, Keagan! 

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