Sunday, August 4, 2019

Back at It

Soccer season is in full swing. On Saturday’s game, Keagan’s team scrimmaged a fellow club team and won 4-0. Keagan played the entire game and played very well. After the game, he told me this was the best team he has ever played with. He was so excited! 

Eighteen hours later the boys were back at it with a friendly with an ECNL team. They lost, but I was impressed with how well we stayed with the faster, quicker, more skilled team. Keagan played the entire game and then got in the car and said, “I hate feeling like I’m playing soccer in a 40year old’s body! My knees! Ankles! Everything hurts!” 

Poor guy! Both boys got Wes’s ankles and knees. He may be hurting, but I’m very hopeful that this team will do great things this season!

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