Friday, June 19, 2015

Family Fun Day

The last week of school one of my students gifted me with a gift card to IHOP. We started our first Family Fun Day of the summer, or as Keagan refers to 3/4 Family Fun Day since Wes is at work, with breakfast. When the boys' bellies were full, I casually mentioned that our next adventure would include a historical landmark. The boys were not happy with this announcement, so I had to add that our final stop would include ice cream at an old 50s diner. That sealed the deal. 

We hit the interstate headed west and into the state of Kentucky. The drive is beautiful this time of the year with the Amish farms in peak growing season. 

After a short drive, we made our way to the Jefferson Davis Memorial. I was hesitant to pay tribute (in my eyes paying to see his memorial is a form of tribute) to this man in light of recent events, but I have had real questions about his political life and his belief system. 

We rode the elevator to the top of the oblesisk for panoramic views of the rolling hills and farms. 

Then we toured the museum. 

As it turns out, JD might have been against succession but he never really had a change of heart with the issue of slavery. Because he was such a progressive thinker in US expansion, transportation, and manufacturing, it is safe to say he was a very intelligent person. His heart, though, had to be hardened to accept the cruelties of slavery as an acceptable form of labor. Ironically, he had a church built on the same property as his home of birth. 

We ended our tour with selfies. We were laughing so hard, all of us had our eyes closed.

Such a fun time with my boys! Plans are already in the works for next week's adventure!

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