Friday, June 12, 2015

Chefs in the Kitchen

Today was the first day all three of us were home with no place to be. These days are rare - even in summer. True to my word, today was the boys' first cooking lesson. This was either going to be a huge disaster or prove to be a valuable lesson. So I started with something easy; we made pizzas. Evan cooked the ground beef and acted like it was a huge inconvenience for him, but his stomach is a bottomless pit. I also knew that after having a turkey sandwich for lunch four days in a row, the pizza was pretty enticing.

Keagan spread the sauce. He was not thrilled with cooking either, but after smelling all of the ingredients, he decided it was worthy of his time. 

Then each boy added his own toppings. I didn't even flinch - much - when I found Evan chopping onions without a cutting board.

My OCD almost got the best of me, though, when I saw this spoon hanging off the edge...just waiting to drop cheese and sauce on my clean floors. It took all I had to look past it and let the boys continue. Agh! Who am I kidding? It was at this point, I intervened.

The end result was edible even if it didn't look so. In the end I probably learned more than the boys; I had to really restrain myself and learn to let the boys do the work without my help. 

There were no leftovers. Next week the boys learn to do laundry. Two girls will thank me for this one day. 

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